Swarmtrooper Honey

Specializing in locally grown honey and honey bee swarm removal

What makes us different?

At Swarmtrooper Honey we’re working to bring back our wild bee populations with the goal to help repopulate our wild bee colonies. By catching these swarms, we can move them to a bee yard before they move into a wall or an attic where they often become a nuisance and get killed. Once they’re in our yard, we use these wild genetics to breed new queens and new colonies to help replace our wild colonies.  By partnering with other local beekeepers and working with researchers at The Ohio State University and Purdue University, we’re helping our local community become more sustainable by promoting local stock and reducing the need for package bees and queens shipped in from Southern states.

Our bees produce drones (male bees) that can mate with young queen bees to help insure a healthy, diverse gene pool for generations to come. These strong queens can then form strong colonies that then can produce more strong colonies themselves. Eventually we can help restore some of these hives to the wild to perpetuate the cycle.

We need those healthy wild genetics and we need help finding them. If you see a huge cloud of bees moving around, take note and call us! Swarming bees seem terrifying but they’re actually very calm when they’re swarming since they have no home to defend. The big cluster hanging on a branch or even sitting on the ground is just looking for a home. If we get to them before they leave we can relocate them someplace safe where they won’t be at risk for being poisoned later.

This is where you come in. If you see a swarm, call us! We can’t collect them until we hear about them and they may only be there for a few hours before they move on. Call early, call often.

Oh, did I mention that swarm calls are rewarded with free honey?


Thank you.

